Board Members
The Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild Board is charged with oversight of the activities of the DNTG. Officers and Committee members assume their duties in May.
Executive Board
President: Marty Anderson 214-356-1121
Vice President: Elena Andrade 972-533-3144
Membership: Paige Guillory 214-477-5555
Arrangements: Stacey Lundgren 214-738-2363
Workshops: Jan Goss 214-980-5856
Assistant Workshops: Lisa Thompson 972-814-8964
Programs: Dotty Rowan 214-621-6818
Education: Karen Dittmar 817-688-1298
Secretary: Vanessa Sandoval 678-230-8865
Treasurer: Gail Manning 214-534-0779
Region Rep: Jo Ann Jackson 972-618-9375
Committee Chairman
Newsletter Editor: Elena Andrade 972-533-3144
Technology: Michelle Kocurek 214-542-4018
Parliamentarian: Randye Engeran
ReTreat Chairman: Judy McGraw 903-816-0975
Sampler Group: Linda Cox 512-750-7983
Plano Satellite: Robin Caraway 214-803-8516
Charm Chairman: Dwana McKee 469-288-1856
50th Anniversary Committee:
Paige Guillory 214-477-5555
Current DNTG Board and Committee Members Contact Information