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ReTreat 2025

Friendship Bound with Needle & Thread

January 15-19, 2025

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To Register for ReTreat, you must be a member of EGA & DNTG.  Click on the links below to register with EGA & DNTG.

Come join us at the 32nd annual Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild ReTreat on January 15 - 19, 2025 at Tanglewood Resort on beautiful Lake Texoma.  DNTG members can enjoy five full days of friends, favors, prizes, massages, and maybe even get some stitching done too! There are no schedules to follow except meal times so you can stitch past midnight and sleep late if you want. Participants spend the days working on their own projects, sharing ideas with others who have a love of stitching, and exploring our swap table for more projects to add their stitching stash.


DNTG members come from all over the US to attend ReTreat so it’s a great time to socialize with members from other EGA chapters and see what projects they’re doing. 


Registration begins in September 2024 and ends the 2nd Thursday in December (Holiday Party).  If you are not currently a member of DNTG, you’ll need to join before you can attend ReTreat. For more information about ReTreat, please refer to the DNTG newsletter or email



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